Friday was Kindergarten orientation. I took Keilani and Auroiya to my friend Carmen's house and Brae and I went to the school. She said she is excited but a little shy and scared.
We met with her teacher and I was happy to see there is not a ton of kids in her class. Not all the kids were there but I only counted 12. The classes can't be too big because we have 2 other elementary schools less than 2 miles away in two different directions. Half our ward is in a different school.
We all met in the class room. The teacher asked BraeLynne if she knew what her name looked like.
Brae (very proud announced), "B-r-a-e capital L-y-n-n-e"
Mrs. Ward, "Very good. It took me three tries to finally spell your name right with the capital L."
If that is what it took to get her name to stick out in the beginning that is fine by me. But out of the twelve kids there she was the ONLY blond. I think she will stick out as it is. It is a good mix of races but they all have dark, dark brown hair or black hair. Then there is a little toe head blond right in the middle. That is my little girl. (giggle, giggle)
Then Brae went and sat in a circle with the other kids and I got the privilege of sitting at her desk for the next 1/2 hour filling out more papers. Not very comfortable. Imagine sitting in a little chair, your knees popping up, your pregnant belly in between them leaning over to fill out paper work of what you kid likes and what things they know. I wasn't the only pregnant lady there so it wasn't like they could let all of us go sit at the one big chair in the room.
They really emphasized that they do not teach the children as a group but really work on their individual needs. They will test them and start from there on the ABC's and reading. They will even take them into the first grade reading levels when and if they are ready. This makes me feel much better because there are a few kids I know (in other classes) that don't know their ABC's yet can't spell their own name. Brae has been learning to read at home and I really don't want her held back by other kids being behind her. Or left behind if the rest are ahead of her. This made me feel more at ease.
I have had a hard time with the elementary schools here. They look like prisons. They have very small windows, if any at all, they are those big glass blocks that let light in but no one can see in and they are so high up that no one can break them. The playgrounds are all on that bouncy rubber stuff. So it looks like they are playing on asphalt. There is, however, a little grass that they can play on but not much. (There are grassy areas in other area's but not much on the kindergarten area.) Last but not lest, there is chain link fencing all around the school with chains and locks to keep them shut. The parents drop their kids off at one side of the fence and pick them up at the other side of the fence.
I do feel better now that things have been explained to me. The windows are to protect the children from any freaks that want to look in and seek out little children. It lets light in and bad people out. The little grass is because we have had a drought here for the past 9 years. But they have shaded the play area and they only let the kids play outside for about 5-10 minutes because of the heat. In the winter they let them play outside longer because it is cooler. The fence is because then the teachers can monitor the kids and adults better. If the kids can't get out without the teacher knowing they know where the kids are. If they see the parent they will let the kid out but this way the kids are not going home with strangers and the teachers know what kids have gone home and which are still there.
I am so far impressed with the school. But we will see how things go when she starts this Wednesday. I hope it does go well.
I am lucky I don't have to worry about the bus picking up and dropping off (or lack there of like poor Alli, Brae's cousin) The school is actually walking distance and right behind the library and our church house. I would walk instead of drive if I was not under "no exercise" restrictions from the doctor. But it will be nice exercise after I have the baby. I will walk about 1/2 mile there and 1/2 mile back which makes it 2 miles every day. that is some good walking in my opinion.
I do think I will miss her oodles and oodles. I agree with Katie, I love my little girl but I really LIKE her. She is my little helper. I enjoy watching her grow and learn. I love that what she knows is mostly due to my teaching her. It will be really hard to just see the out come of someone else teaching her and watching her play with other kids. I catch myself tearing up about it all the time. It should go well though. She goes at 9 am. I can spend time with Auroiya and Keilani and pick Brae up at 11:40. Come home, eat lunch, have a nap/quiet time and go on with the day as usual. I should be easy when the baby comes if this schedule works.
I just hope I have taught her the right things so she can "choose the right". She asked if I would buy her a "real CTR ring" to help reminder her and so she can teach others to choose the right too. She wants a ring that doesn't dye her finger green. I think we will see what we can do.